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The Legend will Continue

Sophomore editors leave their final message for graduating senior editors.
The Legend will Continue

Never would we have thought we would be closest to seniors as sophomores. Coming in, knowing barely anyone to see Iolany, Mirabelle, Jimmy, and Diego welcome sophomores who had no clue how to run a yearbook. Welcoming us with open arms made the whole year a memory worth remembering. Iolany and Mirabelle saw 2 sophomores wandering the yearbook room and decided to make us their own and include us in everything. Jimmy made the best jokes and made sure to give us the biggest hugs when we walked into the yearbook room. Diego put his trust in us and made sure to give us any guidance that we needed to create a memorable yearbook. Coming in everyday after school and greeted by each senior made us feel welcomed and over time, love grew between us all and brought comfort to talk to each other openly. Going to games together while Diego teaches us how to get the perfect shot and listening to his skills give us the comfort to run the yearbook next year. Ever since the beginning, we knew what a hard worker Diego was and it reflected in his photos and all the work he put to make the book its best. We would be in awe of the shot he got on his first try while we got the same shot ten tries later. Any type of writing advice we needed, we made sure to go to Mirabelle and Jimmy. Mirabelle taught us the ins and outs of writing and gave us a perfect example of what a good copy editor is. She made the perfect example of a student athlete by being an amazing writer and an amazing basketball player. Jimmy was always willing to give his advice to whatever we needed. When going into one of Jimmy’s stories, you can see the passion Jimmy has for writing and the way he makes words flow is like no other. With Iolany, she made sure we were included in everything and have the best talks and laughs. Iolany puts her best work in everything she does and makes sure to bring out her creativity, whether it’s her photos or her creative ideas. They have taught us everything we’ve known whether it’s photos, writing, or interviewing. They were the reason this book is how it came out. All the seniors put in all they had and brought so many ideas while also training the underclassmen to be prepared to create a yearbook without them. We just want to say one last thing and it’s that Bianca and Iratze will miss you guys so much and we thank you for making the year a memory to hold onto forever.


Sincerely, Bianca and Iratze

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About the Contributors
Bianca Gomez
Bianca Gomez, Marketing Editor
Bianca Gomez is a first-year copy editor for The Legend Yearbook. She has been on staff for 1 year. She enjoys tumbling for football games and writing different stories. When she is not copy editing, she enjoys attending her church's youth group.
Iratze Rede
Iratze Rede, Photo Editor
PhotoIratze Rede is a first year index editor for The Legend Yearbook. This is her first year on staff. She loves playing volleyball, going to practices, hanging out with friends and listening to music. When she is not in practice, you can find her taking picture of games.