The Wait is Over

2023 Yearbook distributed to student body.

Reaching across the table, senior Faith Medina picks up copies of the yearbook for her sister Destiny and herself. Medina received a blue pass, excusing her from class to attend Distribution Day on May 12.

At 3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 12, students clutch their blue passes in their hands as they head towards the big gym. A few at a time, they are allowed in, where they find an available yearbook staffer to receive their yearbooks. After ten months of waiting, The Legend’s 2023 yearbook, Cómo Cuándo, is finally being released to the student body.

Distribution Day was hosted in conjunction with Decision Day, where seniors were invited to attend the event, celebrating their future college decisions. Afterwards, seniors were released and could pick up their yearbooks, whereas the rest of the student body received a blue pass out of class if they purchased their books prior to May 4.

“I think it made a lot of sense to combine them together because you don’t have to go somewhere else or get confused and lose something,” senior Jazlyne Tye-Spreitzer, who attended Decision Day, said. “It made a lot of sense that right after Decision Day you got your books because your decisions are made and here’s the memories that you made.”

Only a few students with passes were admitted into the gym three at a time while Decision Day was going on. Senior Faith Medina, who did not attend Decision Day, came down to the gym later to collect her sister, senior Destiny Medina, and her own book as well.

“Since the intercoms had been off in certain hallways because of testing, the classroom Destiny was in never heard any announcement. My teacher knew to release us but hers didn’t,” Medina said. “When I was in line, Mrs. [Vanessa] Martinez said hello and let me pick Destiny’s up too. So, I was able to get both of ours which was good since the line was getting long.”

Like every year, there were initially mixed feelings about the yearbook. Tye-Spreitzer had her hopes up before receiving her yearbook.

“Before I got the book, I was a little nervous, mostly just because when they announced the design I was like, ‘how’s that gonna look?’” Tye-Spreitzer said. “And then as I was flipping through the yearbook, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is really pretty.”

Seniors were not the only ones who purchased the book or attended Distribution Day. Junior Tyler Stervil picked his book up during distribution and allowed himself to bask in the memories the yearbook presented to him as he opened the cling wrap off of his book.

 “Memories are like one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, emotion that we have,” Stervil said.